The goal of efficiency is more slack.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Installing GStreamer Development for Visual Studio 2019

Install and create template.
  1. Browse to > Downloads.
  2. Download and install both MinGW 64-bit runtime installer and development installer.
  3. In Visual Studio 2019, open \gstreamer\1.0\x86_64\share\vs\2010\gst-template\gst-template.vcxproj
  4. Project > Export Template.
 Run example.
  1. Download
  2. Expand tutorials folder.
  3. Open tutorials.sln.
  4. Set solution platform to x64.
  5. Solution Explorer > Solution ''tutorials' > basic-tutorial-1 > Properties
    1. Debugging > Working Directory: $(GSTREAMER_1_0_ROOT_X86_64)\bin
      Note: To get the variable name, in cmd.exe, enter: set gstreamer
    2. Linker > Input > Ignore All Default Libraries > No (or delete setting)
    3. For Debug configuration, Ignore Specific Default Libraries: msvcrtd.lib
      Note: The gstreamer libraries were apparently built with /MD and not /MDd.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fix route to VM after Cisco VPN removes them

Cisco AnyConnect VPN modifies/removes routes to the bridged network adapter on a VirtualBox VM when you log in. To connect to the VM again, you need to log off the VPN, as the Cisco VPN has a watchdog that reverts any route changes while the VPN is active. After logging off, run this reroute script:



# The following 2 deletions are not always needed
# route -n delete ${guestip%.*}.0
# route -n delete $guestip/32

route -n add $guestip/32 -interface vboxnet0
arp -s $guestip $guestmac
netstat -rnf inet | grep 192

Thursday, October 10, 2019

VirtualBox Windows XP Guest File Sharing

How to share files hosted on a Windows XP VirtualBox guest on a Mac OS X host to a real Windows XP computer.
  1. Plug in Thunderbolt Ethernet adapter to host Macbook Air.
  2. Connect Ethernet cable between client computer and host Mac.
  3. Mac Host > Network Preferences > Thunderbolt Ethernet
    1. Configure IPv4: Manually
    2. IP Address:
    3. Subnet Mask:
  4. VM Settings > Network settings > Adapter [n]
    1. Attached to: Bridged Adapter
    2. Name: en3: Thunderbolt Ethernet
  5. Guest VM > Network Connections > Wired network > Properties >
    1. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
      1. Check Use the following IP Address or Alternate Configuration
      2. IP Address:
      3. Subnet Mask:
    2. Advanced > Windows Firewall > Settings > Exceptions > Check File and Print Sharing.
  6. Client computer > Network  Connections > Wired network > Properties > Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
    1. Check Use the following IP Address or Alternate Configuration 
    2. IP Address:
    3.  Subnet Mask:
  7. (Optional test) Ping from each computer to the others.
  8. Guest VM > Share a folder
    1. Make folder C:\share
    2. Right click folder > Properties
    3. Check Share folder on network.
  9. Client computer > My Network Places > share on Guest VM
  10. Done

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